Margarida Maia, PhD, science writer —

Margarida is a biochemist (University of Porto, Portugal) with a PhD in biomedical sciences (VIB and KULeuven, Belgium). Her main interest is science communication. She is also passionate about design and the dialogue between art and science.

Articles by Margarida Maia

Compression garments may improve balance in hypermobile EDS

Wearing compression garments — tight-fitting, elastic clothing items — and doing physiotherapy may help people with hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) improve balance and proprioception, a small study has found. Proprioception refers to a person’s perception of the location and movement of their body. The study, “Effects of compression…

Family in China Has Two vEDS-causing COL3A1 Mutations

A family in China was found to carry two mutations causing vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (vEDS) over multiple generations, a study reports. The mutations interacted such that their effect was beyond that of each mutation alone. “This is the first report of such a combination ever described to cause vEDS…