
Embracing Structure in My EDS Journey

Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) is teaching me that I want and need structure in every aspect of my life. Much like the presence of EDS, my need for structure and routine is something that has gone unrecognized for most of my life, despite living with the consequences. Until a few…

The Many Paradoxes of Life with EDS

I can’t believe it’s the middle of August. Where did the summer go? On Monday, I returned to work as a college counselor for high school students, yet graduation seems as if it were yesterday. I’ve been super busy this summer, but it’s been good. …

Struggling with My Reluctance to Use Mobility Aids

Subluxations and dislocations are frequent complications of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. Over the past year, my roving joints have made grocery shopping more painful. I have also suffered some acute bruising of my ego from squatting in the grocery store checkout line to relieve the symptoms of postural orthostatic tachycardia…

How the ADA Accommodates Me in Court

Many of us are familiar with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) insofar as it guarantees access to public buildings and reasonable workplace accommodations, and protects against employment discrimination. I recently learned that the ADA also allows for accommodations that I need in the courthouse. Over the past year,…

Sometimes, You’re the Wunder-duck

While I love virtually all animals, I’m not the biggest fan of the Muscovy ducks that live on the farm. Well, I should clarify that: I’m pretty entertained by the ducks themselves, but I’m getting tired of cleaning and dumping the horses’ water troughs because the ducks took a…

My EDS Physical Therapy Helped an Old Injury

I realize that in most of my columns I’ve talked about my injured ankle and knee, as those are the wounds I’ve been having the most trouble with following my fall off Spotty in November. Honestly, though, the joint that by far tends to cause me the most trouble…