
Taking Time to Recharge

Summer and fall have been a nonstop whirlwind. A few weeks after graduation (I work as a college counselor at a private high school), the owner of the farm where I live had major knee surgery. That put me on farm duty for several months. My brother got married. And…

Will Safety Vest Draw Attention to My EDS?

In the equestrian sport of eventing, we use a lot of gear. One piece of that puzzle is the safety gear we wear, particularly in the cross-country phase, where we jump solid obstacles in open fields or in the woods. Anytime a horse and rider are out on cross-country, riders…

Acting Up, Ehlers-Danlos Style

A few months ago, our community’s theater company held auditions for two productions. At the suggestion of someone whose opinions I trust, I contacted the theater company and arranged to audition for one. The river that flows from Egypt straight to my house In my excitement to try something new…

I’ve Found Some Success with a New Side Road

I’ve previously discussed how having Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) means that I often have to take side roads to reach my goals or engage in activities I enjoy. While I used to find that immensely frustrating, I now view it as another challenge to face head-on. In my work with…

My Disabled Parking Placard Has Expanded My World

In the not-too-distant past, I hated shopping. Walking across parking lots and winding my way through store aisles was incredibly tiring, thanks to my Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) and comorbid conditions. Prolonged standing and walking led to severe abdominal pains and vertigo. Sometimes I would have to squat in…

New Partners Celebrate October Success

It turns out the crazy busy week paid off. I spent last weekend at a horse show in North Carolina, and Cherry and I had an amazing time! It was our first time showing at the Beginner Novice level, where the jumps are a maximum height of 2 feet…

Surviving the Chaos of October

Fall in the college counseling profession is like running the proverbial rat race. There simply aren’t enough hours in the day for the amount of work that needs to be done. Students procrastinate and need help at the last minute. Students who don’t…