
Falling Off a Horse and Getting Back on Again

Anyone who rides a horse knows that no matter how careful you are, sometimes you’re going to fall. I had my first fall in a year a couple weeks ago. Cherry has been an exceptionally well-behaved and safe horse for me, but falling is part of riding an animal that…

My Old Shoulder Injury Flared Up

Well, we’re back to school and we’re rolling! It’s hard to believe that students have been back for nearly three weeks, and I’ve been back for nearly six. I really enjoy my job teaching history and doing college counseling with juniors and seniors, but it can be stressful at…

Adjusting to the Challenges of a New School Year

It’s that time of year again! Summer just flew by, and before I knew it, I was back at work, which for me is school. As a high school history teacher and college counselor, my downtime is minimal when classes are in session. When students recently returned, we were off…